Inschrijving / Inscription

Naam / Nom
Naam / Nom
Voornaam / Prénom
Naam / Nom de famille
Ik ben / J’ai :
Ik zal er zijn bij / Je serai présent.e à :
Als ik deelneem aan het pre-debat, ben ik dat / Si je participe au pré-débat, je suis:
Ik heb koptelefoon nodig voor de vertaling / J’ai besoin d’écouteurs pour la traduction :
Ik zal er zijn bij / Je serai présent.e à :
Ik wil graag een korte bijdrage leveren aan het eerbetoon van JP van Ypersele / Je souhaite participer avec un court témoignage à l’hommage de JP van Ypersele:
Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming / Règlement général sur la protection des données :
Ik begrijp dat de organisatoren zich houden aan de regels voor gegevensverwerking ( / Je comprends que les organisateurs respectent la réglementation concernant le traitement des données (
Gedragsregels (in het engels) / Code de conduite (en anglais)
Conference Code of Conduct : Please sign by clicking the “ja/oui” box after reading the text below and translate the text in FR or NL if necessary before signing. This conference will provide a positive, safe and harassment-free experience in which diverse participants may learn, network and enjoy the company of colleagues in an environment of mutual respect. We recognize a shared responsibility of all participants (attendees, speakers, sponsors, organizers, and volunteers) at Trainworld, to treat others with respect and to foster that spirit to the benefit of everyone. Harassment in all its forms is strictly prohibited. Disrespectful behaviours will not be tolerated at this conference. To ensure a positive environment for all, we have defined unacceptable behaviour and harassment, outlined consequences for inappropriate behaviour and provided guidance on what to do if you witness or are subject to harassment. Unacceptable Behaviour These behaviours, in any form, will not be tolerated at the conference: • Harassment (see full definition below) • Intimidation, deliberate stalking or following • Abuse • Discrimination • Use of dehumanizing language, images, or clothing. This includes presentations, slides, and speaker content. • Possession of an item that can be used as a weapon causing harm to self and others Our Definition of Harassment Includes the following: • Unwelcome or hostile behaviour, including verbal or written comments that intimidate, create discomfort or interfere with a person’s participation in the conference • Unwelcome physical contact • Unwelcome sexual attention • Cyber-bullying If You Experience or Witness Unacceptable Behaviour  We need your help to keep the conference community safe, accountable, and responsible. If you experience or witness unacceptable behaviour, please bring your concerns to the immediate attention of conference staff or email us at Consequences of Unacceptable Behaviour Participants asked to stop unacceptable behaviour are expected to comply immediately. Participants who violate the Code of Conduct may be expelled from the conference and related activities and banned from future events at the discretion of the organizers. Police complaints will be supported by the organisers of the conference when relevant.