Welcome to the conference for Youth And Climate Future
When? On February 13th, 2024
Where? At the fabulous Trainworld museum (Brussels)
Organised by Prof. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele
and his dream team
PDFs of presentations available here
(currently completed)
(clic on speaker’s name)
Videos of the day available here in FR and here in NL

This is where “Animalia”, the first exhibit on the Biodiversity and Climate crises can be visited until March 10th, 2024 (more info about Profs van Ypersele and Nieberding’s experts for the exhibit : here and here)
5 years after the school strikes in 2019,
4 months before elections in Belgium and Europe,
our youth asks questions to our political party chair.wo.men
This conference is dedicated to young people from 15 to 25 years old who will be asking questions to all presidents of Belgian political parties about the Belgian transition for our sustainable future.
Taking stock, outlining perspectives, five years after the youth movement in 2019 and the” Panel climat / Klimaat Panel” report.
Around 200 – 300 people will be welcomed on site + live streaming (and recording) for online attendance. Simultaneous FR/NL interpretation will be offered in site and online. Free conference but acceptance based on registration.
Our main Belgian influencer for the transition to a sustainable future, Vinz Kante and his YouTube video « LIMIT » will be recording and streaming the conference.
In January 2019, Anuna De Wever and Adélaïde Charlier, founders of Youth for Climate, wrote a letter to the co-chairs of the Climate Panel/ Klimaat Panel asking them: “We urge you to let us and policymakers know what scientific solutions exist to end the climate crisis“. And so began the hard work of some forty experts from all over Belgium to respond to this challenge. The report was presented to political decision-makers and the media on 14 May 2019, a few days before the Belgian and European elections.
Five years later, this conference will provide an opportunity for keynote speakers, the experts who contributed to the Climate Panel, the general public and the media who contributed to the Panel, the young people of the time (now adults), the young people of today and the political decision-makers who have had the opportunity to implement, or not, some of the recommendations of the Climate Panel, to take a step back from the work that has been done and from what remains to be done and answer the concerns, and eco-anxiety, of today young people about exceeding our Blue planet limits.
Particular attention will be paid to the environmental issues at stake in the elections on 9 June 2024 in Belgium and Europe, and to the climate and environmental objectives for 2040.
After young people have challenged the presidents of the Belgian political parties, the day will end with a festive evocation of the career of Professor Jean-Pascal van Ypersele and his interactions with civil society (including young people), political and economic decision-makers and the media.
Target audience: around 200 – 300 people on site, including many young people + live streaming (and recording) for online attendance. Simultaneous FR/NL interpretation will be offered in site and online. Free conference but acceptance based on registration.

With a BIG BIG thank you to our sponsor, for feeding the participants with sustainable and vegetarian delicious food. Thank you so much Exki!

With a BIG BIG thank you to our sponsor, for feeding the participants with sustainable and vegetarian delicious food. Thank you so much to “Les tartes de Françoise”!